In this post I detail how you can get Hopper Disassembler ( installed (use with caution as there are issues installing the libraries and we are forcing APT to install the dependencies) and running on your Windows 10 system using WSL2 and Ubuntu. 

Why not use a Virtual System like VirtualBox or VMware, you can but I did notice that it is very smooth and integrates well with the Windows 10 system. A good reason is that there is no need for any complicated steps to setup interconnectivity between the two Operating Systems. 

Check the online guides by Microsoft on how to install WSL2 on your Windows 10/11 system. 

To set version 2 of WSL:

wsl --set-default-version 2

If you make a mistake you can re-install Ubuntu by removing it first with (your container data will be delete) : 

wsl --unregister Ubuntu

Install Ubuntu and set a username (this user has the ability to run sudo) and password: 

wsl --install -d Ubuntu 

Start the Ubuntu system and in the terminal of the Ubuntu system update and upgrade it:

wsl -d Ubuntu 

sudo apt update 

sudo apt -y upgrade

Install a package required by Hopper's installer (there are more but this one needs to be manually installed before we start dpkg):

sudo apt install xdg-utils

Create a folder needed by the Hopper installer: 

sudo mkdir /usr/share/desktop-directories

Go to the directory of where you have downloaded Hopper (this is the demo version). Now you can start the installation process:

sudo dpkg -i Hopper-v4-5.0.0-Linux-demo.deb

 sudo apt --fix-broken install 

If the final 'apt' command completed without any errors then you should be good. The current version of WSL2 on Windows 10 doesn't seem to support a GUI. This can be resolved by installing a xterm that supports X11 applications. There are a few alternatives. I tried MobaXterm ( and it worked just fine. 

Start MobaXterm and connect to the WSL Ubuntu system (might be named WSL-Ubuntu under "User sessions"). 

From there you can now start up the Hopper GUI : 


Keep in mind that if you install the demo version and load the license you will be redirected to download the full version. Get the full version and install it using dpkg -i like above. It should be installed without any issues. 

You can check if the Ubuntu system is running with '-l -v' :

 wsl -l -v

  NAME      STATE           VERSION  

* Ubuntu    Running         2

Finally, you can shutdown the Ubuntu system once you are finished with Hopper etc. with the '--shutdown' option: 

wsl --shutdown -d Ubuntu

Full version Hopper v4 5.0.0 SHA256 hashes: 

eca1b56e0df6441dbfa6852e09efb52a9804a31b9b80802381df78a73e5d154e  Hopper-v4-5.0.0-Linux.deb

071f1a8fd4a27702c24a3258b0c92bfdc38a6d6ed3366d1d2fb63874a072f1e3  Hopper-v4-5.0.0-Linux.pkg.tar

4734f3acc576d06bea85c0765cbfc4b0347a4625792aa51e2f6c1b4fa0784c50  Hopper-v4-5.0.0-Linux.rpm